- 4 (6 oz) salmon fillets skin-on
- 2 tbsp Cajun Seasoning
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- Place large cast iron pan on medium high heat, add oil, rub your salmon with Cajun seasoning of choice.
- Place salmon fillets in heated pan, spice rubbed side facing downward. Let sear until blackened on bottom, about 3 minutes.
- Flip salmon, cook until browned on bottom and just barely cooked through, about 3 minutes longer (lower the heat if needed so it does not darken too much).
- Baste with Saltwinds Coffee Butter and set aside till veggies are ready.
Saltwinds Coffee Butter
- 2 tsp powdered Saltwinds Coffee
- 1/2 tsp very hot water
- 1/4 lb. Butter, softened
- 1 tbsp Maple syrup
- Dissolve Saltwinds coffee powder in hot water in small bowl.
- Wisk in the softened butter, maple syrup and dissolved coffee in a small bowl.
- Using a hand mixer mix until smooth.
- Melt and brush to baste the veggies and salmon.
- Category: seafood, fish, entrees, what's for dinner recipes, recipes